Demokratie als preiswerte Form der Herrschaft

In einer Analyse für bloomberg schreibt Ana Isabel de Palacio del Valle-Lersundi, die ehemalige spanische Außenministerin in der Regierung José María Aznar, zur spanischen Krise bzw. zum Nutzen der Demokratie als preiswerte Form der Herrschaft u.a.:

»Spain’s economic woes are triggering renewed fears over a potential default in the euro area, and much of the blame belongs to labor laws that date back to the dictatorship of General Francisco Franco. … Franco’s labor laws offered workers rock-solid job security and strong collective-bargaining rights. These were critical elements of welfare systems that were adopted by fascist — or national socialist — regimes around Europe, as they sought to maintain social harmony in the absence of democracy. Changing them has been a critical test of maturity for Spanish democracy since its establishment in 1977 …«

Ein Hoch auf die Demokratie!